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Institutional programs to stop school violence
School violence is a problem in recent era schools and is becoming a great trouble for the nation as well. If you want your nation to be on top then the activities like school violence need to be avoided or stopped. It is not only a problem for the parents, teachers but also for the students. So in order to give the bright future to the schools and nation as well one thing should be noted and that is all institutions should take certain measures for the prevention of school violence.
School administrators should take proper measures like they should have proper guard facility at the door of the school and metal detectors in order to detect weapons like pistols, revolver and knives etc. There should be restriction on the use of the weapons and if anyone is found with such type of things then proper actions should be taken against him.
It is noteworthy fact that children play an important role for building the nation’s future and if nation wants to develop then it should focus on the activities to enhance the children behavior. In order to groom children’s behavior school authorities and teachers should arrange regular meeting of parents and teachers for understanding the child behavior.
Institutions should arrange the training of teachers in order to prevent the violent behavior of students. Teachers should be trained for understanding the nature of students and for knowing how to handle them on the basis of their requirement. Teachers should be taught to deal with things like how to handle a violent student which is having a great amount of stress and depression or any other type of problems.
Alternatively schools should arrange meditation classes in order to remove any type of stress and depression. Meditation is a kind of method by which one can relax his/her mind by thinking in a deeper manner. It needs lots of practice as it is combination of different type of religions.
There are many things by which schools can prevent school violence. For instance schools must organize classes on conflict management and anger management. These classes help in making the students learn how to interact and solve the problems on the conditions like anger management or depression etc.
Also school authorities should appoint good counselors or psychiatrists as the good counselor understands the position and problem of students and thereby provides the relevant solution to them. If a student is filled with stress or any other type of problem then counselor can guide him on the career, social and personal aspects. So it is a good option for the schools and institutions to appoint good counselors in order to avoid and prevent any type of violence in the institutions.
Schools are advised to give proper care and guidance to the students. Institutions should promote other activities of the students along with regular studies. If schools give proper time to the students for their hobbies and interest then they can make their future bright. Students get bored by the regular studies and they do not take interest in the studies at home as well. So in order to avoid and prevent school violence institutes should take care about the interest of students.