Training violent studentsIf a student gets engaged in violent activities then there may be lots of reasons but it is surely the fault of school teachers as well as the parents to a large extent. It is important to note that the parents and school administration must keep a close watch on the children so as to stop them from doing any violent activity. By this way, they can be stopped from doing any violent activity well in time.
Also if they have examined the cause of the problem, then proper action can be taken by teachers and parents. If they still ignore the student’s problem then it is not the fault of student but teachers and parents are more responsible for the act than the violent student. If parents and school teachers take proper responsibility then most of the violent activities can be stopped automatically, that too well in time.
There are lots of reasons or factors which can lead a student to commit violence. The reason can be personal or social. In most of the violent activities committed by the students in the schools, there are five basic reasons responsible for them. Among them the first is personality behavior, second is family environment, third is school atmosphere and forth is social dynamics. In these four reasons, no one reason is such that can be treated as conclusive proof that can lead a student to commit a violence activity in the school. The fifth reason can be neighborhood environment where the child likes to play or stay with neighborhood friends.
It is noteworthy that along with the above mentioned reasons there are few other reasons that can lead a child to go for violent activities in schools. They are: depression, frustration, difficulty in studies, unfriendly nature of others etc.
In most of the cases, those students who like to stay lonely or who are of reserved nature can attempt serious violent activities. Also it is seen that sometimes a student feels that his friend is smarter than him then due to jealousness, he turns to be violent and seriously hurts his friend. After committing this act, it becomes a regular habit for the student to repeat such activities. It is how the student gets violent.
If parents and school teachers are serious for stopping school violence issues then they must train the students against violent activities. Also it is important to note that communication can play a major role in stopping school violence. In family environment, parents must take care of their children. There should be proper love and friendliness environment at home. If parents ignore their children then chances are more that they choose the path of violence.
Parents and child relationship must be good and clear communication is also required between them. Parents must decide the limits of television channels and internet access for their children.
So by keeping even the small points in mind, the problem of school violence can be stopped or prevented to a very large extent. |